We’re close to winning a new assisted dying law – but we may need to take further campaign actions together. Can we email you updates and vital actions?
Suffering, end-of-life care and assisted dying
This content discusses terminal illness and suffering at the end of life. Find support and information around terminal illnesses, end-of-life care, bereavement, suicidal thoughts and mental health.
Suffering despite the best care
At the end of life, some dying people experience severe pain and other symptoms that result in suffering. This can happen even when they have access to high-quality specialist palliative care.
Research commissioned by Dignity in Dying and conducted by the Office of Health Economics found that, even if every dying person who needed it had access to the excellent level of care currently provided in hospices, 6,394 people a year would still have no effective relief of their pain in the final three months of their life. This equates to 17 people dying in pain every day. Evidence suggests that if people suffering from other unrelieved symptoms during the dying process were included this number would be much higher.
Improving end-of-life care
Assisted dying and palliative care co-exist as end-of-life choices: it’s not an either/or choice. We support efforts to improve access to end-of-life care. Changing the law to legalise access to assisted dying could also be an important catalyst for ensuring that people get the care they need at the end of their life.
If you would like to understand more about the suffering some people experience as they die, or about end-of-life care to prevent suffering and hasten death, you can read our report The Inescapable Truth. Warning: the report contains accounts of suffering at the end of life.
Why we need an assisted dying law
We believe assisted dying should be legal across the British Isles for terminally ill, mentally competent adults. A change in the law would mean that many dying people could avoid unnecessary suffering when palliative care is not working.