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Contact your MP

Personal contact with your MP about assisted dying is one of the most important things you can do to help change the law

Email your MP

Many MPs’ minds have changed after hearing personal stories from supporters of assisted dying, in particular from those who have witnessed suffering under the current law.

MPs receive lots of correspondence from constituents, so it’s important that you make your email personal. They are more likely to give a considered, open and thoughtful response to a personalised, passionate email. So we encourage you to write in your own words about what the choice of assisted dying would mean to you.

Meet with your MP

Meeting with your MP is one of the most impactful ways to support the campaign for a more compassionate law. But, we appreciate it can see daunting. If you would like support to set up a meeting, drop us an email and we can guide you through the process:

Tips and ideas

You may find the following points useful to include in your email. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert and you don’t need to cover all these points, just choose the ones that feel right for you:

Remember to always be polite when contacting your MP – your email could be the start of an important conversation and opportunity to build a relationship with your MP. Don’t forget to include your name and address in your email, as they will only reply to people in their constituency. And please do let us know how you get on.

Find your MP’s email address

You can easily find your MP’s email address with a quick search for your postcard on Parliament’s website.

When you see your MP’s name, click on it and you will find their email address listed with the contacts details for their Parliamentary office.