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Response to comments by the Chief Executive of Scope on forthcoming assisted dying legislation

[[OLD IMAGE]] Greg Judge: “79% of disabled people support a change in the law to allow the choice of assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults within strict legal safeguards.”


Richard Hawkes, Chief Executive of Scope, in a media comment on Belgium’s euthanasia law today, equates it with a change in the law on assisted dying as proposed by Lord Falconer.

He states:

“Right now there are loud, well-organised and influential, calls to legalise assisted suicide for terminally ill adults. There are lots of ordinary people, not least disabled people, who are really worried at the way we seem to be edging towards a change in the law”.

He goes on to state:

“Politicians will debate assisted suicide again later this year. They need to guard against community bullying of our most vulnerable members”.

In response:


As the coordinator of Disabled Activists for Dignity in Dying, I am happy to meet Mr Hawkes and other representatives of Scope to discuss this issue in greater detail. It would be constructive to have a dialogue and engage in a conversation about how the law can be framed to mitigate his fears. I would also suggest that before determining its position on this issue, Scope should seek a full consultation of the views of the disabled people it seeks to represent in relation to the criteria of the Bill proposed, not the criteria of a change in the law no one is proposing.


Since posting this Richard Hawkes has offered to meet me to discuss these issues, I’m looking forward to it