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“Kill the Bill”? – It’s time to act!

This week the Catholic Herald has joined the voices of Cardinals and other representatives of organised religion who have branded the Assisted Dying Bill “assisted killing”. Not only is this offensive to dying people and their families who support the Bill, it is counter to the views of the overwhelming majority of people of faith.

Some religious leaders have  been brave enough to speak out though. Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has thrown his weight behind the Bill saying assisted dying would be ‘profoundly Christian and moral’. If you agree with Lord Carey please act now:

Three things you can do now to back the Bill

  1. Email your MP and let them know why you want change on assisted dying
  2. Meet your MP, either in their constituency office or come to Parliament.
  3. Demonstratejoin us outside Parliament and add your voice to the thousands who back change
[[OLD IMAGE]] People like Bob Cole should have the choice to die at home. Saying we should “kill the Bill” is callous and offensive


The law is broken

People like Bob Cole, who travelled abroad for help to die rather than suffer through the last weeks of his lung cancer, should have the choice to control their suffering here, at home, in their own bed. The current law is increasingly discredited with those who understand it best. Earlier this week Keir Starmer MP, the former Director of Public Prosecutions who crafted the guidelines which set out how the law is applied, declared the status quo an “injustice”.  His message was clear, “the law needs to be changed.”