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Our position on assisted dying

We believe assisted dying should be legal across the British Isles for terminally ill, mentally competent adults.

The right law for the British Isles

We believe the right law for the British Isles is one that allows assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults. We do not support a wider law.

We have supported a number of assisted dying bills attempting to change the law. These bills set ut practical measures to allow the prescribing of life-ending medication to terminally ill, mentally competent adults.

This is the blueprint for most assisted dying laws in place around the world and has been adopted in Australia, New Zealand, and 10 states and one federal district in the US.

Why the law needs to change

The current law on assisted dying creates a blanket ban on choice at the end of life across the British Isles. Research shows that the ban is dangerous and unpopular. The ban on assisted dying fails terminally ill people and their loved ones.

The law doesn’t prevent people from taking their own lives. Dying people still seek control over their deaths, but they are forced to travel overseas or do this in dangerous ways behind closed doors. Anyone who supports a loved one to access an assisted death faces the risk of investigation, prosecution and prison time. We believe that compassion should not be a crime.

What we’re campaigning for

We campaign to introduce laws that have measures to assess eligibility, protect against coercion, ensure medication is handled safely, and monitor every part of the process in a robust and transparent way.

The decision about how a change in the law should be implemented is a matter for Parliament. The bill we are supporting in Westminster includes:

We also campaign in support of the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill and the assisted dying proposals in Jersey and the Isle of Man.

The evidence of what works well in other countries shows us how to develop the assessment criteria, processes and oversight that will make the assisted dying laws in the British Isles the safest laws in the world.

Find out more about the law on assisted dying.

Engaging healthcare professionals in the debate

Open debate about assisted dying by the medical community is vital to safely and effectively reforming our law. In recent years many organisations that represent healthcare professionals have adopted a neutral position on assisted dying. They have recognised that this position represents their members, respects dying people, and allows them to fully contribute to the debate.

The following organisations have all adopted a neutral position:

End-of-life care

As well as campaigning to change the law on assisted dying we also support better end-of-life care for all. Assisted dying and good quality end-of-life care must go hand in hand to give dying people choice and control. International evidence shows this is possible.

Alongside changing the law, Australian states have invested over half a billion pounds in palliative care. Oregon in the USA, where assisted dying has been in place for more than 25 years, is considered to have amongst the best palliative care in the country. Find out more about assisted dying in other countries.

Dying people are already ending their lives to avoid painful and undignified deaths. Many pay thousands of pounds to travel abroad to have the choice of a safe, peaceful death with medical support.

Many cannot travel so end their lives at home without protection or support. Many more are suffering and dying without dignity because they have no choice.

We believe dying people should have the option to control their death safely and comfortably at home.

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We’re close to winning a new assisted dying law – but we may need to take further campaign actions together. Can we email you updates and vital actions?