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Our accounts

We are a not-for-profit membership organisation that campaigns for a change in the law on assisted dying.

How we are funded

We are funded entirely by membership subscriptions, donations from the public and gifts left to us by people in their Will.

Annual report

Our 2023 audited annual accounts are available to view – download report (PDF, 888KB).

How the campaign spends its funds

We spend the funds we receive in five main areas:

  1. Campaigning and lobbying
  2. Work with the media to raise awareness
  3. Policy and legal work
  4. Member services and development
  5. Governance and administration

These areas of work cover a number of our key activities that support a change in the law on assisted dying.

Campaigning and lobbying

This covers a wide range of activity, much of it focused on influencing Parliamentarians, who ultimately have the power to change the law on assisted dying. Such activity includes:

Work with the media to raise awareness

This area of the campaign works to raise awareness of assisted dying with a broad range of the public. The focus of our media team is to secure national print and broadcast coverage about assisted dying which focuses on the realities of the current law. This includes a variety of work with members of Dignity in Dying who volunteer their time to help the campaign by sharing their stories.

Policy and legal work

Our legal and policy team has two main functions – to understand all areas of research and policy relevant to end of life care, so that the campaign is fully aware of the facts around assisted dying, and to co-ordinate our legal work in the courts to demonstrate the problems with the current law. This includes supporting the Debbie Purdy legal case which led to the effective de-criminalisation of compassionate amateur assistance to die and, more recently, intervening in the Martin case to try to get greater clarity around the role healthcare professionals can play.

Member services and development

This work is undertaken by the membership team who administer communications with our members and supporters. This includes updating our website, all member communications and campaigns to recruit new members.

Governance and administration

Several of our staff share the responsibility of controlling the finances of the organisation, overseeing operations and ensuring that good and transparent governance processes are in place. This is overseen and aided by an unpaid, non-executive board of directors.